Many sellers have no idea how to begin talking to a new customer. Instead of creating honest dialogue, businesses jump into a sales pitch and lose the trust of the prospect. A good conversation begins by understanding the customer’s pain -- what core problem do they need help solving? Searching for customer feedback and developing dialogue is the first step to creating messages that speak to the heart of what the customer wants, but analyzing and using this data is where businesses stumble. Copy that reassures a customer of the value in your product is key to engaging them on a deeper level.
Jennifer Havice is a copywriter who specializes in helping businesses create meaningful conversations with customers while still maintaining their own brand and personality. Her new book, Finding the Right Message, is aimed at conveying the value of your product by understanding what the customer needs to hear. When she’s not speaking at conferences or writing compelling copy, Jen enjoys horseback riding and eating chocolates.
Episode Highlights:
Finding The Right Message: How to turn voice of customer research into irresistible website copy